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Through nadi & kp astrology u can get accurate answers for all ur questions.
Education Inclination for Education, Success in exams and Intelligence level, Foreign Education, Scholarships, Success in Competition Exams & Interviews, Prizes or Awards.
Litigation and Timing of Litigation, Outcome of Litigation, Imprisonment, Possible causes of imprisonment, Political confinement, Going underground, House arrest, Kidnapping etc.
Purchase of Property Combination & Timing of purchase of property, Purchase through Loan, Purchase in Installments, Location & Status of property, Commercial property, Construction of property, Rental income, Loss of property, Partition of property, Sale of property, change of residence.
Purchase of Vehicles Combination & Timing of purchase of vehicles, Purchase through loan, Gift of vehicle, Color of vehicle, Theft of vehicle, Non repayment of loan & Loss of vehicle, Sale of Vehicle.
Health Timing of disease and Timing of surgery, Transits, Type of diseases, Accidents & Accidental deaths.
Travel Condition & place of Visit, Transits, Settling Abroad, Coming back to the Motherland, Combination & Timing of return, Purpose of Travel, Going to Pilgrimage.
Career & Financial Prospects Timing of getting a job, No job or obstacles in career, Change in job/business, Timing the change of job, Nature of next job/business & vice versa, Break in career, Suspension, Promotions, Transfer.
Marriage Timing of Marriage, Love affairs & Sexual relationships, combinations, Love Marriage, premarital affair and extramarital affairs, Dowry, Timing of Divorce, Manglik dosh, Keeping a Mistress.
Children Timing of conceive of child (in case of horoscope of the couple, female horoscope is a must), Pregnancy periods & Miscarriages, Abortion, Gand mool Nakshatras.
उज्जैन मंदिर
उज्जैन के प्रमुख दर्शनीय स्थल एवं उनके बारे मंे विस्तृत जानकारीयां
v उज्जैन की महिमा
v श्री महाकालेश्वर मंदिर
v श्री बडे गणेश मंदिर
v श्री हरिसिद्ध मंदिर
v श्री चारधाम मंदिर
v श्री नवगृह शनि मंदिर
v श्री गोपाल मंदिर
v श्री गढकालिका मंदिर
v श्री चिंतामण गणेश मंदिर
v श्री काल भैरव मंदिर
v श्री भर्तृहरि गुफा
v श्री महर्षि सांदीपनि आश्रम
v श्री मंगलनाथ मंदिर
v श्री कालियादेह पैलेस
v श्री गेबी हनुमान मंदिर
v श्री नगरकोट की रानी मंदिर
v श्री सिद्धवट
v श्री स्कान मंदिर
v श्री शिप्रा नदी
v श्री प्रशांतिधाम मंदिर
v श्री रामजर्नादन मंदिर
v श्री सम्राट विक्रमादित्य प्रतिमा
v श्री वैधशाला (यंत्रमहल
v श्री चैबीस खम्बा मंदिर
v श्री वीर दुर्गादास की छत्री
v श्री सती दरवाजा
v श्री योगमाया मंदिर
v पीर मछन्दर की दरगाह
v गंगाघाट
v कालिदास अकादमी
v टावर चैक (घंटाघर)
Please watch: “Guruji Gobind Sharma Wishing Baisakhi And Telling Navgrah Remedies Shayris Best Astrologer In India “